Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
The Diversity Network is designed to fully support the goals of CSR.
Engaging the Diversity Network accomplishes the following:
✔ Directs your spend 100% to diverse companies
✔ Creates an interactive and positive outreach program
✔ Extends exponentially the number of diversity suppliers without growing your vendor list
✔ Aligns corporate values and goals
✔ Supports communities, creating goodwill throughout your customer base
Through the use of the Diversity Network, your diversity spend is multiplied throughout the communities, supporting the network and your business.
The supply chain of diversity spend creates a win–win–win situation, strengthening
the communities and providing a significant, loyal customer base for your company.
The diversity chain contains:
✔ Loyal Customers
✔ Local Connections to Your Global Corporation
✔ Access to Diverse Cultures and Untapped Resources
✔ Goodwill Creation at the Community Level